- Software Engineering Practicum (17-413) (Spring 2025) Instructor.
- Software Engineering Training Program (Executive Education) (Spring 2025) Instructor.
- Quality Assurance (17-323) (Fall 2024) Instructor.
- Robotics Systems Engineering (16-450) (Fall 2024) Guest Lecturer.
- Software Engineering Practicum (17-413) (Spring 2024) Instructor.
- Software Engineering Training Program (Executive Education) (Spring 2024) Instructor.
- Robotics Research to Startup (Spring 2024) Guest Lecturer.
- Quality Assurance (17-323) (Fall 2023) Instructor.
- Software Engineering Practicum (17-413) (Spring 2023) Instructor.
- Foundations of Software Engineering (17-313) (Fall 2022) Instructor.
- Testing & Evaluation for Robotics (Executive Education) (Spring 2022) Instructor.
- Software Engineering Practicum (17-413) (Spring 2022) Instructor.
- Quality Assurance (17-323) (Fall 2021) Instructor.
- Software Engineering Practicum (17-413) (Spring 2021) Instructor.
- Quality Management (17-643) (Spring 2021) Guest Lecturer.
- Quality Assurance (17-323) (Fall 2020) Instructor.
- Software Engineering Practicum (17-413) (Spring 2020) Instructor.
- Principles of Software System Construction (15-214) (Fall 2019) Instructor.
- Program Analysis (17-819) (Spring 2019) Instructor.
- Software Engineering Practicum (17-413) (Spring 2019) Instructor.
- Software Measurement and Testing (SMAT) (Spring 2016)
Teaching Assistant, Guest Lecturer.
- Evolutionary Computation (EVCO) (Fall 2015) Teaching Assistant, Guest Lecturer.
- Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) (2014, 2015, 2016) Teaching Assistant.
- Introduction to Complex Systems (2015) Teaching Assistant.